Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

Read This... U'll love SUNFLOWERS

picture by wikipedia.org

Ornamental plant, that had beauty yellow color, and brown colored at central the flower, you know what it is...? yes you are right... SUNFLOWERS. but it is not only beautiful and interesting shape that makes this flower admired. Sunflower can also be used to treat your health problems.

Most people would think just the seeds or sunflower seeds are often referred to, which can be consumed. but lady, you had to know this, it 's all part of the sunflower plant can be used, u know.

As what release from www.iptek.net.id, sunflower can be used to lower blood pressure and reduce pain. You only need to boil the flowers with a glass of water, than reserving half a glass of stew, then taken twice daily after meals.

As for the leaves, can be anti-inflammatory drugs, reduce pain, and anti- malaria . Also treat it the same way, by boiling the leaves and drinking water from the decoction.

Sunflower seeds , according to Dr. . James E. Duke , author of Prescription Anti - aging in permathic.blogspot.com , containing tryptophan . It also contains vitamin B complex and B6 are useful to keep skin beautiful and healthy.

For roots , but can relieve cough and overcome white , also treat urinary tract infections . You can buy it in stores herbs , boil and drink while warm.

The latter is the use of marrow stem that can be used to
erangsang vital energy , soothe the liver , spending stimulate urine , eliminate pain during urination urine

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Pregnant For 60 Years

Pregnant for 60 years, The case of unrealize pregnancy until many years not only happen once or twice . Previously a Colombian women who are pregnant for 40 years until her fetus petrified. Now turns out in China , there is a grandmother who has been pregnant for 60 years with a similar case .

This news has been quite long, but not too late to add to our knowledge all. This woman named Huang Yijun , 92 years old when the news was released by weirdasianews.com in 2009. He lived in South China. His name is known after having a rock baby.

Not Aware Containing Baby Stone Over 60 Years

During life , Huang Yijun not aware that she was pregnant . He thinks he's exposed to a particular disease to the stomach enlarges, it turns out it was pregnancy. Doctors estimate that the baby Huang Yijun died in 1948, so to say, a baby Huang Yijun rock for 60 years .

This is not the first case, there were hundreds of women who undergo this case. Scientific named as  lithopedion, or pregnancy where the fetus dies but not out of the mother's body. The fetus remained inside for years and petrified. It usually does not happen ill or compilation to the mother, so often unknowingly pregnant woman whose baby had died .

vemale.com & weirdasianews.com

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

How To Keep Clean (BathRoom)

Perform routine maintenance of the bathroom, How To Keep Clean (BathRoom). There are at least two bathrooms routine maintenance activities to be performed , the daily care and great cleaning once a week .

1 . Daily care .
Scrub the walls and floor of the bathroom with carbolic or other cleaning fluid . After that , rinse with clean water so that no dirt or moss that is already accumulated and difficult to clean .
Use cleaning fluid taste. When excessive spoilage bacteria in drains and septic tanks will die so that the dirt does not decay process runs as it should . As a result , you will be blocked drains , quickly, and so forth . When possible , choose eco-friendly cleaning fluid , odorless , and does not kill spoilage bacteria in waterways.

2 . Major cleaning once a week includes cleaning the toilet and the bathtub drain water .
Toilet , pour a little bleach down the toilet , or drizzle with powdered cleanser suitable , brush with a toilet brush . After that , rinse the toilet brush with hot soapy water . Clean the toilet seat with disinfectant fluid , flush with water .

Water bath , if there are parts that are dirty, flush with water as hot as possible for a while to be easily cleaned , and brush , rinse thoroughly and dry . You can also use liquid cleaning , depending on the material of the tub .

Faucet water , scrub with a cleanser for stainless steel , rinse with hot water . Wipe the faucet to dry . When not in use the old water faucet , hot water stream , leave a few minutes before use .

this How To Keep Clean (BathRoom).

OMG - Marriage Makes Men More Fat

Marriage Makes Men More Fat, almost all men around the world are increasingly fertile after the status of the husband . According to a study written by the journal Families , Systems , and Health , 25 percent of men are very likely to experience weight gain after marriage , reported by yourtango.com .

When compared with men who are still single or dating , married men faster fat and weight gain . The reason is love , because they are already comfortable with the status . So things like maintaining a healthy diet , exercise and so forgotten , especially if she likes to eat and culinary tours . who make Marriage Makes Men More Fat

So do not be surprised if your husband or relatives of a newly married man getting fatter even more distended stomach . To be considered , not to gain weight so excessive and harmful to health .