Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

How To Keep Clean (BathRoom)

Perform routine maintenance of the bathroom, How To Keep Clean (BathRoom). There are at least two bathrooms routine maintenance activities to be performed , the daily care and great cleaning once a week .

1 . Daily care .
Scrub the walls and floor of the bathroom with carbolic or other cleaning fluid . After that , rinse with clean water so that no dirt or moss that is already accumulated and difficult to clean .
Use cleaning fluid taste. When excessive spoilage bacteria in drains and septic tanks will die so that the dirt does not decay process runs as it should . As a result , you will be blocked drains , quickly, and so forth . When possible , choose eco-friendly cleaning fluid , odorless , and does not kill spoilage bacteria in waterways.

2 . Major cleaning once a week includes cleaning the toilet and the bathtub drain water .
Toilet , pour a little bleach down the toilet , or drizzle with powdered cleanser suitable , brush with a toilet brush . After that , rinse the toilet brush with hot soapy water . Clean the toilet seat with disinfectant fluid , flush with water .

Water bath , if there are parts that are dirty, flush with water as hot as possible for a while to be easily cleaned , and brush , rinse thoroughly and dry . You can also use liquid cleaning , depending on the material of the tub .

Faucet water , scrub with a cleanser for stainless steel , rinse with hot water . Wipe the faucet to dry . When not in use the old water faucet , hot water stream , leave a few minutes before use .

this How To Keep Clean (BathRoom).

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